
Khroul V. Myths on religions in Russian media: a functional perspective

Considering the myth in the Platonic tradition as a surrogate replacement of the reasonable cause of some judgment or action, when the true cause is not understandable due to its complexity, the author describes the phenomenology of modern myths and their functioning in Russian media and public sphere. The paper is focused on two types of mythologizing of religion in media, related to the subject of coverage – internal, doctrinal, irrational or external, social, rational. Author suggests that from the normative point of view epistemological function of journalism presumes the rationalization of religious life coverage and “demythologizing” of socially dangerous myths related to the religious sphere.

Khrul A., Khroul V. Humour in media discourse on religion as a factor of conflict

Humour is located in the sensitive areas of the two basic human freedoms: the freedom of expression and the freedom of belief. The paper is focused on humour in media discourse on religion as a factor of conflict and examines important factors underexposed. According to the results of the pilot project, conducted in Russia, the approaches and attitudes towards humour as a well as a will for compromise and consensus differ in Orthodox Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Catholic and Protestant communities. Authors suggest the mapping the “zone of mutual responsibility” of journalists and religious leaders will lead to elaborating the “pact on humour” between them. For the future research authors propose to analyse the religious and ethnic factors in the formation of a sense of humour and culture of laughter in general in order to have more detailed picture on strictly religious sensitivity towards humour.

Khroul V. Stereotypes on religion in media: A case of Muslims in Russia and the USA

The mediatisation of Islam and Muslims as a religious community is gaining interest in media studies due recent political events. The coverage of Islamic structures in institutional media as a particular case of mediatisation is important for understanding the mechanisms of shaping public opinion and mass attitudes towards this religion and its followers. Moreover, quite often the image in the media becomes the basis for political decision-making. This article, based on an analysis of a large volume of publications about Islam from 2000 to 2022 through “Factiva” service, examines its coverage in the two media spheres – Russian and US, drawing attention to the similarities and differences in the formation of a predominantly negative image of this religion. In conclusion, the author offers some recommendations to journalists covering the religious sphere.

Khroul V. “Post-truth” as an ontological error in a global media and academic discourse

The relativisation of truth and the blurring of the boundaries between truth and falsehood in the public sphere are nowadays positioned in media discourse and academic literature as a normal historical process and described by the term “post-truth”. The author proposes to subject its correctness and heuristic value to careful critical analysis. “Post-truth” according to the author denotes a fundamentally important essential substitution: truth in it is stripped of its absolute status and placed in the same line with things temporary, finite, conventional – post-communism, post-totalitarianism, post-modernism, post-secularism, etc. Therefore, the author calls to avoid the term “post-truth” since it contains not only a logical, but also an ontological error.

Третьякова С.Н. Русь святая или буржуазно-демократическая? Полемика вокруг сочинений британского журналиста С. Грэхема в годы Первой мировой войны

Предметом исследования является восприятие в российском обществе образа России, созданного британским писателем С. Грэхемом в годы Первой мировой войны. Он отстаивал самобытность России, а ее силу видел в сохранении религиозно-консервативных устоев. Подобный подход вызвал серьезную критику со стороны представителей буржуазно-демократических кругов, которые считали, что такой образ России не только не соответствует действительности, но и вредит союзническим отношениям. Вредным такой взгляд для самой России считал известный писатель М. Горький.

Грибков И.В. Пресса периода нацистской оккупации 1941-1944 гг. в новейших украинских исследованиях (историографический обзор)

Периодическая печать является одним из важнейших и одновременно наименее исследованным источником по истории нацистской оккупации 1941-1944 годов. В исследовании как общих проблем, так и частных случаев изучения прессы украинская историография достигла значительных успехов. Данный обзор знакомит с основными тенденциями и достижениями украинских ученых в XXI веке.

Грибков И.В. Издательская деятельность Православной Церкви на оккупированных территориях в 1941-1945 гг.

Статья посвящена миссионерской деятельности различных православных структур, оппозиционных Московской Патриархии на оккупированных территориях СССР в 1941-45 гг. Автор подробно рассматривает основные издательские центры и структуру публикуемых материалов, книг и периодических изданий. Важной чертой издательской деятельности являлся просветительский, образовательный, а не пропагандистский характер. Даже в условиях войны значительное внимание уделялось детской литературе.