No 3, 2024

Publishing Date: 2024-10-25

Melkov A.S. Et gaudium, et solatium in litteris: “Studia Humanitatis” Journal in 45 issues

The forty-fifth issue of the International Electronic Scientific Journal “Studia Humanitatis” (2024, No 3) has been published. In the eleven years of existence our scientific online periodical has passed a serious path. Journal archive includes 948 papers and reviews in the humanities – history, pedagogy and teaching methodology, politology and law, psychology, theology, philology, philosophy. The main aim of the journal is rendering assistance in the development of humanitarian education and science in Russia and abroad. One of the main purposes of “Studia Humanitatis” is the implementation of scientific knowledge international exchange, cooperation with national and foreign academic and educational centers with the aim of developing further integration in the field of humanitarian studies. The International Electronic Scientific Journal “Studia Humanitatis” is an interactive platform for discussing topical issues related to the development of modern humanities. The periodical is open for intellectual discussions and exchange of opinions among authors on a wide range of scientific problems.


Christensen C.S. Anthropogenic climate change, climate disasters and the role of nature: with special focus on the year 536

Earth’s climate has changed throughout history. Just in the last 800,000 years there have been eight cycles of ice ages and warmer periods, with the end of the last ice age about 11,700 years ago marking the beginning of the modern climate era and of human civilization. Most of these climate changes are attributed to very small variations in Earth’s orbit that change the amount of solar energy our planet receives. The current warming trend is different because it is clearly the result of human activities since the mid-1800s, and is proceeding at a rate not seen over recent millennia. It is undeniable that human activities have produced abundance of gases in the atmosphere that have trapped more of the Sun’s energy in the Earth system. This extra energy has earned the ocean and lands, which lead to widespread and rapid changes in the environment. In this paper there are analysed anthropogenic changes, nature’s own role and climate disasters in comparing the results obtained into perspective with incidents in the year 536.

Pulkin M.V. Priests-farmers: the role of agriculture in the life of the Olonets diocese parish clergy (18th and early 20th centuries)

The paper discusses the problems of providing clergy with land for farming. It was revealed that the sources of replenishment of land allotments used by the clergy differed markedly depending on the specifics of individual parishes. There is detailed information about the church land received by the clergy from parishioners immediately after taking office (ordination). Another source of land replenishment was the own work of priests and clergy in clearing land from the forest and draining swamps. State measures aimed at improving the financial situation of the clergy and endowing clerics with land sufficient to maintain a stable economy have not been successful for a number of reasons. The Church authority believed that work on arable land brings clergy and laity closer together, contributing to mutual understanding. Among rural pastors, the conviction gradually grew that the basis of a priest’s income should be a government salary.

Levin Y.A., Selifontova D.Y. The FBI’s opposition to the “Aryan Brotherhood” in the 1980s

The criminal groups of the United States of America in the second half of the 20th century definitely did not create new ideological trends and concepts; they were organized using existing views and ideologies known throughout the world. In the 1980s, there was an ideological “scrapping” in the US prison system, which led to considerable concern among US law enforcement officers. The article examines the period of active opposition of the FBI to one of the largest neo-Nazi prison groups “Aryan Brotherhood” in the second half of the 20th century, and also reveals the history of this organization, its structure, a number of crimes committed by members of this gang, cases of recruiting individual members of the “Brotherhood” as FBI informants, as well as the interaction of various prison groups in the USA among themselves. Despite the activities of the FBI, the Los Angeles Police Department, the US Department of Justice and the prosecutor’s office, gaining control of the situation took a significant time, this organization still exists today, but its activities no longer go beyond the walls of prisons.

Ivanov A.M., Silina K.V. The activities of the Commission for Traveling Abroad under the Smolensk Regional Committee of the CPSU in the late 1980s

The paper considers the activities of the Commission for Traveling Abroad operated under the Smolensk Regional Committee of the CPSU (Communist Party of the Soviet Union) in the second half of the 1980s. Using the example of the Smolensk region, the authors highlight the work of an organization that controlled the departure of Soviet citizens abroad. The research was conducted on the basis of archival sources stored in the State Archive of the Modern History of the Smolensk region, many of which are being introduced into scientific circulation for the first time.


Grishukova S.V., Svecharevskaya S.A., Stepanchenko V.G. The use of interdisciplinary connections in the educational process as a way to increase motivation and interest in learning English

The paper considers the use of interdisciplinary connections in the lessons of English as a stimulating factor in learning. The authors explore how the integration of the content of various subjects with the English language curriculum can improve the learning of the material and stimulate the motivation of students. The article emphasizes the importance of using interdisciplinary connections in English lessons and offers pedagogical recommendations for teachers to help create a stimulating and integrated learning environment. In particular, the authors suggest using interdisciplinary connections to study grammar, vocabulary and phonetics of the English language through the context of other subjects such as music, literature or the shop class. This will lead to better understanding and memorising the material as well as develop an interest in the subject.


Kulikova D.V. Historical aspect of the formation and development of the government contract system in the Russian Federation

The purpose of the paper is a historical and legal analysis of the origin, further formation and development of state contract institution in the Russian Federation. The relevance of the study is due to the existing problems that negatively affect the development of government contracts system in modern Russia. The author conducted a study of legislative acts of the past, which gradually evolved into the modern system of legal regulation of government contracts. In conclusion, modern legal regulation borrows a number of basic norms from the previous legal acts that reflected the main provisions on the organization of the contract system. In conclusion, the periodization of the development and formation of the institution of public contracts is proposed.


Belonogova Y.I., Melkov A.S. From the depths of time: the church of St. Nicholas Thaumaturgus at the Pirogov Center

The paper examines the history of the hospital temple at the National Medical and Surgical Center named after N.I. Pirogov. The authors describe the emergence of the first hospital churches in Russia, their historical, cultural and spiritual significance. It is also mentioned about church charity in Russia in various historical periods. There are separately reviewed the theological aspects of the Church’s influence on human physical and spiritual health. The role of anoutstanding cardiac surgeon of our time, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yuri Shevchenko (Archimandrite George) in organizing the construction and arrangement of the Pirogov Center church is noted. The paper describes in detail the architectural features of the hospital temple built in the traditions of Russian wooden architecture in comparison with the famous wooden churches of the Russian North. The authors also describe temple sanctuaries, including holy relics and especially revered icons.

Khroul V. Religious agenda in Russian mainstream media: trends and controversies

The lack of understanding by journalists of the religious life complexity and sensitivity, the difference between profane and sacred leads to dysfunctions in the reporting on religions. Content analysis of the most popular Russian mainstream media discovered the marginalization of texts about religion in the general information agenda of Russian mass media, with the dominance of Orthodox Christianity in journalistic texts and the underexposure of religious minorities, while the popular presentation of doctrinal matters remains in media minimal. In addition, a “crisis of experts” in publications on religious topics has been detected: journalists prefer to seek comments from officials and public activists more often than from religious scholars. The “conflict of formats” in media and religions, the mismatch of mutual perceptions of the boundaries of permissible and acceptable in the secular media and religious communities remains an important characteristic of the current state of media-religion relations in Russia.


Vekilova N.J. On the issue of the conceptual sphere in cognitive linguistics

Many modern works in the field of linguistics feature three main terms: cognitive linguistics, concept and conceptual sphere. Modern researchers, as a rule, consider the concept and the conceptual sphere as part of the concepts of cognitive linguistics quite broadly. Both notions are fairly interpreted as important mental units bordering on linguistics in all their fundamental features, attributes and parameters. At the same time, these concepts are closely related to lingvoculturology. The article attempts to reflect national realities in the conceptual sphere within the framework of cognitive linguistics. Thereby the research as a whole acquires not only a purely linguistic, but also a linguistic and cultural orientation.

Nikishov Y.M. Onegin in Tatyana’s life. Part II

The 200th anniversary of the first chapter of “Eugene Onegin” publication is approaching (February 2025). 200 years of the novel’s existence in its entirety is not so far away. There are countless interpretations of the main characters accumulated during this time. There are also separate assessments of them from the poet himself. Meanwhile, the author’s holistic view of the characters is still in shadows. Some important details remain unnoticed. To understand the poet’s intention is a worthy goal for the researcher. Pushkin outlined the milestones of Tatyana’s understanding of the hero: “more clearly”, “everything is clear”. These designations do not have the same clear interpretations. In the second part of the paper, the author attempts to find how Pushkin understands the heroine’s heart life.

Bogatyrev A.V. About the names and surnames of characters created by Agatha Christie

This paper examines the crime works by Agatha Christie, mainly about Hercule Poirot and Jane Marple, from the point of view of anthroponymy. Anthroponyms can be considered as an element of a kind of “game” between the author and the reader as a kind of additional “test” of his intellectual abilities. Containing hidden symbolism, anthroponyms give the writer’s works a shade of an allegorical novel, which allows for their allegorical interpretation. Specific examples show how Christie selected first and last names for her characters, and what sources she used to do this.

Lamm M.A. Formation of isolated public formations on the border in women’s fantasy

The Frontier is one of the most important romantic categories widely used in the fantasy genre. The article examines three fantasy fiction trilogies, where isolated settlements on the borderlands are an important factor in the development of the plot. Women’s fantasy is a traditionally rather soft genre where the main development of the conflict occurs on the emotional level; in the books featured in the article the basis of the conflict is the interpenetration of worldviews alien to each other. The logic of centre-periphery relations in fantasy worlds and the basic emotional connotations in relation to isolated communities are explored. In the books of the American, Australian and Belarusian writers there are similar techniques for depicting isolated settlements, which indicates the presence of universality. The myth of the Frontier as interpreted by American and Russian researchers is proposed as a mythological basis.

Evdokimova A.O. The meaning of the “localization” status in the modern Slavic fantasy texts (novels “Koschey’s bride” by A. Charoit, “Witch practice” by S. Arslanova and “I will burn out revenge in myself” by D. Tchaikovskaya)

The article examines the phenomenon of the “localization” status in the modern Slavic fantasy texts. The concept of “localization” and its traditional form in the sources of Slavic fantasy as folklore and fairy tales are considered. The named novels are analysed in order to identify the meaning of this status and its necessity in the context of the disclosure of images. The author comes to the conclusion that the traditional status of “localization” is undergoing some changes and can be used in the texts of modern Slavic fantasy in an unconventional way, but its relevance does not disappear, since this status affects the change in the external, internal, class and family statuses of the characters of the work.


Dezhits A.D. To the problem of Plato’s political views in the context of his anthropological teaching

The article analyses the Plato’s political views in the context of his anthropological teaching. According to it, the essence of a human is determined based on the structural features of his soul, which consists of three unequal parts that are in a relationship of power and subordination. This scheme is extrapolated to various forms of government that are possible in states. Based on the understanding of the eidetically correct soul structure, corresponding to the highest goals of man, Plato constructs his idea of an ideal state.

Gerashchenko I.G. Philosophical approaches in modern economics

The paper considers main philosophical and methodological approaches in modern economic science. The author singles out postpositivist, analytical, neopragmatic, historical, dialectical-materialistic, pluralistic, eclectic, synergetic, postmodernist, game and relativistic methodological programmes. Their competition and complementarity are shown. The epistemological crisis in modern economic science is associated with the transition from classical economic theory to post-classical economic theory.

Kozlova O.V., Khristenko D.N. Technisation of human thinking

The article analyses scientific and technical problems in modern society. The problem of the discrepancy between the pragmatic values of the individual and the sphere of the ideals of the individual is presented. The main problem is absolutizing the means of human activity to the detriment of general cultural values. A certain place is given to the problem of humanization of thinking. The integrative tendencies of human technogenic thinking are considered. The goal of the research was to determine basics of the technical of modern man's thinking. As a result of the study, a position based on the belief that cultural dynamics is impossible without some progressive trends associated with the translation of universally significant cultural paradigms. It seems significant to combine efforts of natural science and humanitarian education in terms of creating spiritual and rational foundations for the formation of the mentality of a modern person. It is concluded that cultural dynamics is impossible without some progressive tendencies associated with the translation of universally significant cultural paradigms.