словообразовательный потенциал

Ashrapov B.P. Word-building potential and morphological features of the Tajik suffix -ча and its English equivalents (on the example of animals’ cub derivation)

The article dwells on the issue concerned with the comparative analysis of the word-building and morphological features of the suffix -ча and its English equivalents on the example of “A brief word-building dictionary of Tajik literary language” (1983) and “Tajik-English dictionary” (2005). The dictionaries under study are considered to be one of the priceless and fundamental sources contained a numerous literary facts and evidences belonging to modern Tajik literary language. In the course of the research the author of the article makes an endeavour to carry out the English equivalents of Tajik derivative words formed by virtue of the suffix -ча and composed by the word “бача”/“baby” those ones are not identical and the majority of them are used and translated into English as simple, derivative, compound, composite ones and phrases. It is concluded that the relevant word-building element is considered to be one of productive ones contributed into animals’ cub derivation.

Ashrapov B.P. Comparative analysis of word-building potential of Tajik adverbial prefix бa- and its English equivalents

The article dwells on the issues beset with the comparative analysis of word-building potential of Tajik adverbial prefix ба-and its English equivalents.It is noted that adverb is recognized as an independent part of speech in the languages being compared. However, adverb classification as a special category in these languages is uncertain, their lexical boundaries are wide, and their functional types are diverse. Summing up the results of the analysis, the author concludes that adducing word-building potential of the prefix in question forming Tajik adverbs is of many similarities and differences in certain cases. It is worth mentioning that English equivalents of Tajik derivative adverbs formed by this prefix are not identical and the same-formed ones and some of them are used and translated as simple, derivative and composite ones.