corruption acts

Yahman. The legal policy of investigation and verification on corruption

This study is focused on legal policy of investigation and verification on Indonesian corruption acts. This normative legal research used legislation approach based on the primary law material in the form of positive law and secondary law material including books or other related literatures. This study revealed 2 results in accordance with formulated issues. First, Article 26 of Law No 31/1999 on the Corruption Act revealed the existence of a procedural law containing double meaning. Here, the criminal procedure law that was specified on corruption acts deviated from general criminal procedure law. The deviations were intended to accelerate procedure and simplify investigation up to prosecution and provision in court regarding the defendant's human rights. Secondly, Article 37 of the Corruption Act specified various matters of proof, including the use of reversed verification systems. The verification was an extension of the provisions of Law No 8/1981 on Criminal Procedure Law which stipulated that the prosecutor had the authority to prosecute a person charged with a criminal offense with the burden of proof.