
Богданова В.О., Столбина Я.Д. Социально-философская проблема коммуникации представителей цифрового поколения

В статье рассматривается социально-философская проблема виртуальной коммуникации цифрового поколения. Авторы показывают, что цифровые технологии расширяют возможности человека, позволяют преодолеть пространственные и временные границы общения. Виртуальная коммуникация сводит к минимуму стресс при взаимодействии с другим человеком, устраняет статусные различия собеседников, снижает влияние культурных стереотипов. Виртуальная коммуникация усложняет межличностное взаимодействие, поскольку в виртуальном мире Другой отсутствует в своей телесности. Это затрудняет развитие навыка считывания невербальной информации, без которого сложно понять чувства, мысли и поступки другого человека и построить с ним плодотворную коммуникацию.

Геращенко И.Г., Геращенко Н.В. Карл Поланьи об особенностях экономики традиционного общества

В статье проанализирована специфика экономики традиционного общества в понимании Карла Поланьи. Выявлены особенности традиционного общества в контексте экономической антропологии. Первоочередное внимание уделено философско-экономическим взглядам Аристотеля на организацию древнегреческого полиса. Также рассмотрены вопросы, связанные с соотношением контракта и статуса, количественного и качественного подхода в экономике, традиционного и рыночного обмена, общества и сообщества, проанализирован феномен справедливой цены.

Christensen C.S. Sculpting in time, space and spirituality: the Soviet film instructor Andrei Tarkovsky and his inner journey through his seven feature length movies (1962-1986)

Every year films of all kinds are produced, and the number of film directors is many all over the world. But among them there are individual geniuses who stand out from the crowd. The Soviet film director Andrei Tarkovsky is one of these geniuses. With his only seven feature length films, he wrote himself into the top history of the film world. The article attempted to analyse and discuss Andrei Tarkovsky’s sculpting in time, space, memory, and spirituality as well as how the director thought of himself as an artist who constantly struggled with the authoritarian powers of the state over art, and consequently how themes of artistic expression manifested in his work. The main question is whether the director’s films are his inner journey? Was Andrey Tarkovsky a dissident in the Soviet Union or not? What is the intellectual and cultural climate in which Tarkovsky operated? An understanding of the prevalence of religious rhetoric and non-conformist art in both Soviet and Russian history is required to comprehend how potentially radical the themes in Andrei Tarkovsky’s films were in the era of the Soviet Union.

Марков А.В. Русская философия и цирковое искусство

Ведущие русские философы культуры ХХ в. А.Ф. Лосев и Г.Г. Шпет обращались к образам циркового искусства и эксцентрики с целью объяснить, как устроено современное эстетическое восприятие. Автор доказывает, что это обращение не было только иллюстративным, но должно было по-новому структурировать мысль о культуре, освободив ее от инерции позитивистского подхода. Простому соревнованию, поощряющему субъективную эмоцию и аллегорическое мышление, была противопоставлена аскеза созерцания и непосредственная реакция, разглядывающая за явлениями правила.

Khroul V. “Post-truth” as an ontological error in a global media and academic discourse

The relativisation of truth and the blurring of the boundaries between truth and falsehood in the public sphere are nowadays positioned in media discourse and academic literature as a normal historical process and described by the term “post-truth”. The author proposes to subject its correctness and heuristic value to careful critical analysis. “Post-truth” according to the author denotes a fundamentally important essential substitution: truth in it is stripped of its absolute status and placed in the same line with things temporary, finite, conventional – post-communism, post-totalitarianism, post-modernism, post-secularism, etc. Therefore, the author calls to avoid the term “post-truth” since it contains not only a logical, but also an ontological error.

Christensen C.S. Wassily Kandinsky and birth of abstract art in Munich in the 1910s

Wassily Kandinsky (1866-1944) is credited as one of the pioneers of abstraction in western art. His creation of abstract work followed a long period of development of creative thought, based on his artistic experiences. Kandinsky was a pioneer, and all forms of abstract painting there is scarcely one that he himself did not initiate and experiment with. Wassily Kandinsky was progressing from lyrical outbursts of colour, a symbiosis of poems and paintings to a simple flawless architectural organization and a rigorous form. Kandinsky’s work steadily and harmoniously gathered and spiritual power until it rose at last to a great cosmic synthesis. In this article we will analyse the emergence of abstract art in the period 1910-1914 and Wassily Kandinsky’s influence on that process. Among other things through an analysis of a group of artists “Der Blaue Reiter” (The Blue Rider) including Wassily Kandinsky, August Macke, Paul Klee, and Franz Marc. Wassily Kandinsky was a kind of original source and inspiration for modern art, and he never felt himself bound by a rigid discipline, but aimed at extending the field of art to include all orders of knowledge.

Beshenich C. Teaching philosophy in modern times: an approach based on Hugh St. Victor

Teaching is always difficult no matter what the subject. So finding a wise and effective teaching method may be challenging for any teacher. Thus, the medieval method of Hugh St. Victor (1096-1141) could be interesting for modern teachers of philosophy who want to demonstrate to their students that philosophy is applicable to their lives and remains relevant. Hugh St. Victor’s method focused on studying how “to read well” and how to practice what was read. And from this idea the philosopher strove to form the student intellectually to re-discover the knowledge humans lost after the fall in the Garden of Eden.

Головашина О.В. Ускользающий объект: изучение региональной исторической памяти в современных российских исследованиях

В статье автор призывает обратить внимание на необходимость исследования региональных аспектов исторической памяти. Опираясь на конструктивисткую трактовку исторической памяти, автор анализирует, какие факторы привели к текущей ситуации: высокая степень централизации системы гуманитарного и социального образования, централизация в сфере медиа, отсутствие или слабое влияние местных институтов трансляции исторической памяти, низкий социальный запрос на региональный контент о прошлом. Автор предлагает поменять оптику исследования региональной истории, отказавшись от установок условного «краеведения», с позиции которого регион предстает одним из «краев» государства. Для этого необходимо развивать региональный туризм и брендирование отдельных территорий, повышать узнаваемость визуальных образов, связанных со спецификой региона, использовать ресурсы семейной памяти.

Beshenich C. Utilitarianism: its history and modern appearances

As a philosophy, utilitarianism seeks to affect the greatest amount of happiness for the largest number of people. Historically, utilitarianism has undergone numerous changes which have developed the path to this goal. In modern times, utilitarianism can be seen in newer philosophies, such as the Effective altruism movement. This philosophical and social movement recognizes the goal of bringing about the greatest happiness and projects it to the global scale. In doing so, Effective altruism hopes to alleviate some of the most critical problems facing humanity.

Christensen C.S. About the deep meaning of “Dekalog” by Polish film director Krzysztof Kieślowski

“Dekalog” also known as “Dekalog: the Ten Commandments” of the film director Krzysztof Kieślowski was released on Polish television in 1989-1990. The script of this drama series of ten films was written by Krzysztof Kieślowski himself and his co-writer Krzysztof Piesiewicz. The heroes of the serial live in 1980s Warsaw. Each film explores characters facing one or several moral and ethical dilemmas. “Dekalog” is considered one of the best dramatic works ever done for television. This article analyses the deeper meaning of this movie drama. What are the main themes of the ten movies cycle: politic, moral, love, freedom, criticism of Polish society, or maybe another special subject of the director’s thoughts? The analysis of “Dekalog” is carried out in comparison with other works of the director and considering the beginning collapse of the communist system in the late 1980s which influenced on his creative activity.
