Политология и право

Azis Setyagama. The role of the Regional Representative Council in the Indonesian government system

The role of the Regional Representative Council (DPD) of the Republic of Indonesia in the 1945 Constitution is regulated by articles 22C and 22D of chapter VIIA. Paragraph (3) of article 22D contains the provision that the Regional Representative Council can carry out supervision in the fields of state revenues and expenditures, taxes, education and religion and submit the results of its supervision to the People’s Representative Council (DPR) for consideration. Thus, the powers of the DPD are significantly limited compared to the DPR. This paper is a normative legal research, which examines the provisions of articles in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, related to the role of the Regional Representatives Council in the government system.

Власова О.Ю. Тенденции развития политических партий в условиях информационного общества

В условиях информационного общества политические партии претерпевают существенные изменения. Это связано, во-первых, с возникновением новых постмодернистских общественно-политических размежеваний и идеологий. Во-вторых, с зарождением нового типа организационно-партийной структуры – партий-движений. В мире наблюдается процесс американизации партийных структур, а партийные системы в то же время сталкиваются с необходимостью ангажировать новые типы крайне правых и крайне левых внесистемных партий. На фоне этих процессов зарождается новый тип политических партий.

Сазонова О.А. Реадмиссия как механизм передачи иностранных граждан и лиц без гражданства в запрашиваемое государство

В статье раскрываются понятие и основания применения реадмиссии к иностранным гражданам и лицам без гражданства в связи с отсутствием законных оснований для их пребывания и проживания на территории Российской Федерации. Автором отмечается, что главным отличием реадмиссии является то, что для её реализации необходимо наличие международного соглашения между двумя или несколькими странами. Подчёркивается, что государства при этом могут столкнуться с некоторыми сопутствующими рисками. Сделан вывод о важности стремительного и адекватного реагирования Россией на многочисленные вызовы сложных межгосударственных взаимоотношений в условиях современного мира.

Azis Setyagama. The supervision function problems of the House of Representatives in the Indonesian government system

In the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, the authority and position of the People’s Representative Council (DPR) is regulated in articles 19-22B, where the DPR functions are given in article 20A paragraph (1), which states that “the DPR shall hold legislative, budgeting and oversight functions”. Indonesia adheres to a Presidential government system, thus the head of state cannot be overthrown by the House of Representatives, and supervision over the government is carried out by the executive. Thus, the DPR is only limited to supervising and cannot act in full measure. About the results of DPR supervision and identified cases of fraud committed by government officials can be reported only to institutions under the auspices of the executive branch. So obviously the DPR’s functions and powers in overseeing the administration of government are very imperfect. This paper is a normative legal research, which examines the provisions of articles in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, especially those related to the authority of the DPR in terms of oversight of government administration. The problem faced by the DPR is that parliamentarians don’t have the authority to impose legal sanctions on state officials, who carry out their duties in bad faith.

Azis Setyagama. The position of the People’s Consultative Assembly in the constitutional structure of the Republic of Indonesia

The position of the People’s Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia (MPR) as the high state institution fundamentally changed after the amendments to the 1945 Constitution. Previously the MPR was the highest governing body in Indonesia. Nowadays the position and the authority of the MPR in the Indonesian constitutional structure is no longer the highest state institution then is equal to other high state institutions. It is a consequence of the presidential system of government, where the position of all high state institutions is balanced and the principle of “checks and balances” between branches of government is implemented. This paper is a normative legal research examining the amendments to the 1945 Constitution, especially the provisions governing the authority of the MPR as contained in article 3 of the Basic Law. Despite all the changes, the MPR is still being the highest legislative branch in the Indonesian political system. This is because the MPR still has the authority to amend the Constitution.

Хараберюш И.Ф. Специальные средства в правоохранительной деятельности: понятие и система

В статье исследуется значение специальных средств защиты, применяемых в правоохранительной деятельности. Выдвинута гипотеза, на основе которой рассматриваются вопросы определения и системы специальных средств защиты. Автором рассматриваются различные подходы к определению понятия специальных средств. Определен критерий, по которому происходит формирование системы специальных средств защиты.

Власова О.Ю. Цифровой авторитаризм и электронная демократия: содержание и границы

Современные цифровые технологии заставляют по-новому взглянуть на классические понятия авторитаризма и демократии. В статье описываются оба эти понятия, а также условия существования как цифрового авторитаризма, так и электронной демократии, которые зачастую используют схожие политические механизмы (например, электронное участие). Автор подробно останавливается на зыбкости понятия демократии в цифровую эпоху и обозначает свои условия для ее возникновения и эффективной деятельности. Фактор возникновения и становления электронной демократии (либо снизу через платформы гражданского общества, либо с государственного уровня) может стать критичным для устойчивости и длительности ее функционирования.

Azis Setyagama. Normative-legal regulation in the settlement of disputes for the election of local head in Indonesia

The current direct election for regional heads in Indonesia raises the issue of disputes among the candidates for this post. The settlement of such disputes from 2004 was initially the authority of the Supreme Court, and in 2008, it was transferred to the Constitutional Court, which in 2016 issued a special Law, which mandates a Special Court for the settlement of regional head election disputes. However, until the Special Court will not be formed, the settlement of such disputes will be the authority of the Constitutional Court. This study is based on a normative approach, namely the Constitutional Court Decree No 97/PUU-XI/2013 and Law No 10 of 2016. In addition, a sociological study regarding the existence of a special judicial body that will be formed to resolve regional head election disputes in Indonesia.

Azis Setyagama. Problematic of the election policy in Indonesia

Indonesia is one of the largest democracies in the world. Indonesian citizens have the highest power where the will of the people is the will of the state. To channel the will of the people general elections are being held as a form of people’s control of the power in Indonesia. Before 2019 elections in Indonesia were held separately between legislative and executive elections. After the Constitutional Court Decision No 14/PUU-XI/2003 general elections in Indonesia are held simultaneously between executive and legislative elections. The impact that occurred after the simultaneous elections were held in 2019, the implementation of this elections took many lives, because many election executive officers died due to fatigue in carrying out tasks due to too much workload and too little time available. This paper represents a normative legal research that examines the norms in given Constitutional Court Decision and Law No 42 of 2008 concerning election of President and Vice President. Besides reviewing from the normative side, the authors also study from sociological studies related to the community’s evaluation of the general elections implementation. From the results of normative and sociological studies it concluded that the simultaneous election in 2019 caused many casualties because election officials were exhausted in carrying out election process. Thus, it is necessary to change the rule of law regarding the implementation of general elections in Indonesia.

Mykhaylenko M.V. Three-tier integration as an option for further EU enlargement: the case of the Union for the Mediterranean

The article examines the opportunities for future EU enlargement through new formats based on the concept developed in the first half of the 1990s, which, however, acquires fresh spotlight under circumstances of crisis-plagued world and upheaval of Euro-skepticism. The study is focused on institutional evolution of the Barcelona Initiative leading to the gradual construction of the nowadays Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), a noticeable segment of the EU Neighborhood Policy. Modeled coeval to the Eastern Partnership (EaP), the UfM, providing room for acute cultural differences between members and thus being very different from the EaP, leaving out the Maastricht criterion, has accomplished some of the basic institutional tasks of integration in trade and civic society aspects. It seems that even within such an emulative framework the organization has evidenced similar effects to ordinary accession-driven processes.
