
Дроздова М.С. Традиция и реальность в поэзии Дж. Фаулза

Статья посвящена исследованию рецепции в поэзии Джона Фаулза 50-60-х годов XX в. Анализируются стихотворения Дж. Фаулза с точки зрения формы, стилистических особенностей, интертекстуальности, обнаруживающей себя в аллюзиях и реминисценциях из произведений предшественников писателя. Для исследования привлекаются методы рецептивной эстетики и литературной герменевтики. При этом теоретической основой данной статьи является теория и типология креативной рецепции Е.В. Абрамовских, доработанная автором статьи. Рассматриваются стратегии креативной рецепции в поэзии Фаулза и делаются выводы о значении взаимодействия реальности и традиции в ней.

Fusco A. “The Stone Flower”: the power of beauty between truth and fantasy

The life of Russian writer Pavel Petrovich Bazhov (1879-1950) was marked by important historical events: the decline of the Russian Empire and the Great Revolution, which brought to the rise of the Soviet Union. Since his childhood he cultivated a great passion for old tales from the Ural Mountains where he grew up. Moreover, he was animated by a deep rebel spirit which guided him in the years of Socialist Revolution. He became the “voice” of his land shared between legends and real social conflicts. He suffered for being deprived of his freedom but found, through the strength of his poetical narrative creativity, a sense of life which goes beyond any possible restriction.

Fusco A. A.J. Cronin. A doctor into lifelong writer

Reality and fiction might be strictly coexistent in the narrative world. The author of this article, after a deep reading of A.J. Cronin’s novels, has tried to find out the right key to penetrate into the novelist’s intricate world. After many interrogatives on A.J. Cronin both as a man and writer, the author, finally, has been able to grasp from the pages of the novelist, the suffering of a man who has made of his romance the history of his own life.