A.J. Cronin

Fusco A. A.J. Cronin: conflict and liberation through romance

Conflict which involves both the external and individual inner world is the central theme of Cronin’s narrative world. Heroes in the fiction and Archibald himself struggle to achieve their aims and will never give up in front of difficulties. “Hatter’s Castle”, “The Stars look Down”, “The Keys of the Kingdom” contain dramatic tones that reach the top in “The Judas Tree”: the hero after a long wearing interior debate, puts an end to his own life. Conflict presented in Cronin’s lifelong romance has, however, a positive epilogue in which the hero is free from all his anxieties. “Desmonde” is the final chapter of Cronin’s story.

Fusco A. “Three Loves”. A portrait of a woman destroyed by an inevitable destiny

“Three Loves” (1932) is A.J. Cronin’s second novel after the first successful “Hatter’s castle” (1931). The author reveals all his genius in using his pen to create stories from everyday life, dealing with social problems and interior conflicts, which interest human society. Lucy is a woman who firmly struggles to build her destiny through three loves: her husband, her son, Jesus Christ. Her determination will bring her to give herself completely and desperately to her three loves in such a way to destroy herself.

Бурыгина Т.С. «Замок Броуди» А.Дж. Кронина. История одного помешательства

Статья посвящена самой известной книге шотландского писателя XX века Арчибальда Джозефа Кронина, роману «Замок Броуди». Проанализирован характер главного героя романа, Джеймса Броуди, в ключе психопатологии. Показано влияние врачебной профессии Кронина на его писательскую деятельность.

Fusco A. A.J. Cronin. A doctor into lifelong writer

Reality and fiction might be strictly coexistent in the narrative world. The author of this article, after a deep reading of A.J. Cronin’s novels, has tried to find out the right key to penetrate into the novelist’s intricate world. After many interrogatives on A.J. Cronin both as a man and writer, the author, finally, has been able to grasp from the pages of the novelist, the suffering of a man who has made of his romance the history of his own life.