
Ashrapov B.P. Morphological peculiarities and level of usage of the suffix -он in the Tajik literary language referring to the 19th century (on the example of the historical writing “Zafar-Name” by Khusravi)

The article dwells on the issue beset with the study of morphological peculiarities and level of usage of the suffix -он in the Tajik literary language referring to the 19th century on the example of the historical writing “Zafar-Name” by Khusravi. It is noted that the relevant suffix is considered to be one of the frequently used in the writing. Proceeding from the adduced analysis concerned with the theme explored the author of the article asserts that possibilities of formation of plural nouns by means of the suffix -он in the language of the period under discussion shows that the scope and specificity of this morpheme using is characterized with wide scales. It is concluded that the suffix -он is used to plurify different kinds of nouns, such as animate and inanimate, personal and non-personal and borrowed words as well.

Тарасова Д.В. Мотив убийства в русской литературе XIX века

В статье на материале отечественной литературы XIX века раскрывается мотив убийства как важный элемент деструктивной деятельности человека. Предлагается уникальная четырехуровневая система классификация мотива убийства. Проводится комплексный анализ литературного материала в рамках предложенной классификации и обозначенных критериев. В качестве примеров используются литературные произведения российских писателей XIX века: Н.В. Гоголя, А.С. Пушкина, Ф.М. Достоевского, Л.Н. Толстого, М.Ю. Лермонтова, Н.С. Лескова.