Ashrapov B.P. Comparative analysis of word-building potential of Tajik adverbial prefix бa- and its English equivalents
УДК 81:811[111:222.8]
Ashrapov B.P.
The article dwells on the issues beset with the comparative analysis of word-building potential of Tajik adverbial prefix ба-and its English equivalents.It is noted that adverb is recognized as an independent part of speech in the languages being compared. However, adverb classification as a special category in these languages is uncertain, their lexical boundaries are wide, and their functional types are diverse. Summing up the results of the analysis, the author concludes that adducing word-building potential of the prefix in question forming Tajik adverbs is of many similarities and differences in certain cases. It is worth mentioning that English equivalents of Tajik derivative adverbs formed by this prefix are not identical and the same-formed ones and some of them are used and translated as simple, derivative and composite ones.
Keywords: adverbs, prefix, derivative adverbs, comparative analysis, morphological peculiarities, English equivalents, word-building potential.
Ашрапов Б.П.
В статье рассматриваются вопросы сравнительного анализа словообразовательного потенциала наречной приставки ба- в таджикском языке и ее английских эквивалентов. Отмечается, что при сравнении языков наречие признается самостоятельной частью речи. Однако отнесение наречия к особой категории в этих языках неясно, их лексические границы широки, а функциональные типы разнообразны. Подводя итоги проведенного анализа, автор приходит к выводу, что словообразовательный потенциал рассматриваемой приставки, образующей таджикские наречия, имеет множество сходств и различий в отдельных случаях. Стоит отметить, что английские эквиваленты таджикских производных наречий, образованных этой приставкой, не являются тождественными и однообразными, а некоторые из них употребляются и переводятся как простые, производные и составные.
Ключевые слова: наречия, префикс, производные наречия, сопоставительный анализ, морфологические особенности, английские эквиваленты, словообразовательный потенциал.
It is well-grounded that “the subject of language typology includes all the systems of the world`s famous languages and the relevant field is considered to be as a part of general linguistic studies. Therefore, a series of factological materials and proved evidence targeted at the comparative study of near and foreign languages is one of the natural branches of linguistic typology. There is a difference between typological and comparative studies of languages – both in terms of the linguistic research method: in comparative research they use the deductive method, and in terms of typology – the inductive method is used [q.v.: 2; 3; 7; 8; 9].
Each part of speech gained a wide position in the system of morphology of the comparative languages, and has its own research method. One of the issues that should not be overlooked by linguists today is the analysis and comparison of separated categories of Tajik and English languages instruction in the aspect of comparison. Parts of speech are studied and verified within the scope of morphology, and adverb is one of the independent parts of speech, some of its undiscovered aspects need to be studied and researched from a comparative point of view.
Adverb is recognized as an independent part of speech in the comparative languages. However, its classification as a special category in these languages is uncertain, their lexical boundaries are wide, and their functional types are diverse. In terms of syntactic and semantic relations, the relevant part of speech often act as an adverbal modifer, which in turn is divided into subgroups: sign, quantity, place, time, etc. “An outstanding linguist I. Ismailov divided the relevant part of speech into two large groups according to the history of their origin: "The first group includes the words зуд, акнун, ҳамеша, ҳаргиз, ниҳоят, ҳанӯз, ҳамвора... etc. they appeared in relatively ancient periods of the history of the development of our language, and now it is difficult to establish how they appeared, from which ancient language or which part of speech they were transferred to the adverb". The author called such adverbs original ones. The second group includes adverbs whose genesis, i.e., how they are formed and from which part of speech they are transferred to the adverb can be explained based on the situation or the form of the situation or their current form” [8].
The object of the corpus of our study is the comparative analysis of word-building potential of Tajik adverbial prefix ба- and its English equivalents on the example of the relevant traces entitled as “English-Tajik Dictionary” by A. Mamadnazarov (2011) [6]; “A Brief Word-Building Dictionary of Tajik Literary Language” (1983) [4] “Ghulomon” by S.Aini (2019) [1] and “A Book of Golden Deeds” by Jim Manis (2004) [10] depicting different historic events, literary genre and the history of English literature gradually. The formers in question are considered to be one of the priceless and fundamental sources contained a numerous historico-literary facts and evidences belonging to the history of Tajik and English languages.
The aims of the corpus of our study are:
– to dwell on morphological peculiarities, word-building potential and the level of usage of Tajik adverbial prefix ба- and its English equivalents in terms of its function and meaning;
– to compare the relevance of the theme explored in the comparative languages;
– to elicit certain distinctive peculiarities of word-building potential of Tajik adverbial prefix ба-and its English equivalents.
Scientific novelty
The article under consideration dwells on the comparative analysis of word-building potential of the Tajik adverbial prefix ба- and its English equivalents on the example of modern belles-letters works in the field of comparative linguistic studies, for the first time. It is worth mentioning that the word-building potential of the relevant prefixes in our factological materials are not identical in terms of their usage and they are of great importance in the exploration of adverbs.
In order to make our study convincible a visual method of research was used; at the same time, comparative-historical methods, synchronic and diachronic analysis were resorted to as well.
Main results and discussion
It is well-grounded that adverbs of both languages are divided into simple, derivative, compound and composite morphologically. Factual material of the comparative languages like Tajik language: зуд, соз, саҳл, акнун, фардо, пеш, дер, пор, дӣ, дӯш, эдар, эдуш, ҳамеша, ҳанӯз, бисьёр, аллакай one-rooted words are included in simple adverbs and like English: very – хеле, fast – тез, hеrе – инҷо, why – барои чӣ, always – ҳамеша [q.v.: 5].
Simple adverbs of manner. Such kind of adverbs consist of a root denoting only one notion in the comparative languages: Tajik simple adverbs of manner: зуд/fast/quick, пиёда/on foot, afoot, даррав/immetiately, at once, оҳиста/slowly; English simple adverbs of manner: soon, well, fast, quick.
Above-translated the formers in question testify the fact that while translating certain simple adverbs of manner we have found them like simple, derivative and composite ones as their equivalent. The relevant linguistic phenomenon is considered to be one of the distinctive peculiarities of the corpus of our study. For instance: Наздиктар оянд, маълум мешавад, – гуфт Сафар пас аз ба ӯ як нигоҳ кардан зуд чашми худро ба тарафи еғлоғуи лӯбиёшӯрак гардонда [1, p. 122]; Командир дурбинашро пеши чашм бурда, ба ҳар тараф чашм андохт ва дид, ки аз се тарафи завод, калтакдорони савора ва пиёда ба шакли иимдоира шуда омада истодаанд [1, p. 210]; Пас аз он оҳиста ва малулона аз ҷояш хеста ба меҳмонон, ки ҳанӯз дар пеши дар рост истода буданд, абрӯҳои худро чин ва чашмони худро нимпӯш намуда ннгоҳ карда: [1, p. 5]. But there is an element in many of such scenes of woe and violence that may well account for our interest in them [10, p. 5]; the peasants, in terror and dismay, were hastening across as fast as they could obtain boats to carry them [10, p. 252].
“The majority of simple adverbs of the comparative languages are of the long history and they possess specific functions and particular features, upon the whole. Affixation is very productive in adverbial word-derivation in the comparative languages. By dint of prefixes and suffixes a large considerable number of new adverbs of manner are formed from various parts of speech, namely noun, adjective, verb bases we will reveal their certain morphological and semantical features in terms of comparative aspects. In reference to it, prefixes occupy an important role in the word-building potential and involve in the formation of adverbs, but they are shared between adverbs and adjectives as well. There are a number of prefixes in the comparative languages: Tajik word-building elements: бе-/be-, но-/no-, ба-/ba-, бо-/bo-, бар-/bar-, дар-/dar- and то-/to- and their English equivalent are im-; un-, non-, mis-, dis- and only in- is a prefix denoting the place” [8].
Hence, we will pay particular attention to the Tajik adverbial prefix ба- in the term of morphology and the level of usage in the comparative languages, including its English equivalents:
The prefix ба-. In the corpus of our study, as a rule, the prefix ба- derives a large considerable number of Tajik adverbs of manner from nouns and adjectives (only 22 derivative adverbs are formed by means of the relevant prefix):
a) based on ба-+noun: баандом [4, p. 14] – nicely, tastefully; бадаста [4, p. 20] – with one’s own hands, received from someone else; базеб [4, p. 23] – nicely, neatly; бакора [4, p. 27] – for a reason, for a purpose; басаришта [4, p. 43] – frugally; бафурҷа [4, p. 50] – at ease, not restrict, liberally; бароҳат [4, p. 42] – facilitating, tranquilizing, serene; базўр [4, p. 24] – oppressively, by power, by force, hardly, forced:Бандиёне, ки аз канори роҳи то рафт тангтаршаванда ронда мешуданд, базӯр аз даҳанаи бозори коҳи Ғиҷдувон бароварда шуданд [1, p. 247]; The crimes of Ivan grew more and more terrible, and yet his acuteness was such that they can hardly be inscribed to insanity [10, p. 186].
In the last sentence, the Tajik derivative adverb of manner bazur is formed by help of the relevant prefix, however its English equivalent hardly derived by virtue of -ly the suffix in question is considered to be one of the adverbial word-building elements in English language, and the above-mentioned derivative adverbs are the same ones in terms of their semantics in the comparative languages.
In this regard, the prefix under consideration is resorted to with a series of Arabic borrowed nouns to derive some new Tajik adverbs of manner: бадавлат [4, p. 20] – richly, happily; бамаврид/бамавқеъ [4, p. 29] – appropriately, opportunely, to time, upon the terms; бамулоҳиза [4, p. 33] – thoughtfully, considerately; баҳузур [4, p. 60] – without being shy, quietly, calmly; басабр [4, p. 42] – patiently; (ба)такрор [4, p. 46] – again, repeatedly, on repeated occasions; батафсил – in detail, unrolled, detailed: Агар колхозчиён ҳар як роҳат, ҳар як давлатро дар сояи меҳнати худ меёфта бошанд, ман ба дари хонаи падарат баҳузур хобида роҳат медидам [1, p. 461]; Feeleep calmly took the head in his arms, blessed it, and gave it back [10, p. 186]; Ин духтарон бағоят ҳунарманд буданд, қолинҳои инҳо бофта дар бозорҳои Бухоро ҷои якумро мегирифтанд... [1, p. 7] – These girls were very skilled, their woven carpets won the first place in Bukhara markets... [Translated by the author].
b) based on ba- + derivative adverb: баногоҳ – suddenly; (ба)нохост [1, p. 52] – suddenly; (ба)ноҳақ [1, p. 60] – wrongly, unlawfully; (ба)ночор [1, p. 53] – emergency, instinctively, willy-nillyand formed adverbs of manner denoting a tone of quantity and size, such as: Ин садо овози як милтиқдор буд, ки баногоҳ аз ҷояш давида хеста, пеши роҳравандагонро гирифта милтиқашро ба онҳо рост карда ин фармонро дода буд [1, p. 225] –But the fatal stillness was suddenly broken by loud gabbling, cackling, and flapping of heavy wings [10, p. 44]; Баночор Ҳасан хост ба боғаш баргардад, дар он ҷо аз рафти кори мевағундорӣ хабар гирад, шикамашро сер кунад ва дубора ба дидбонӣ ояд [1, p. 16] – Hasan wanted to return willy-nilly to his garden in order to find out the progress of fruit picking and to fill his stomach and to visit again [Translated by the author].
Designing on the premise of the above-adduced examples one can assert that English equivalents of Tajik derivative adverbs formed by dint of this prefix are not identical and the same-formed ones, namely most of them are resorted and translated, hereby we are going to reveal their generalities and differences based on the below table:
Adducing the results of the analysis of the theme explored one can come to the conclusion that word-building potential of the prefix in question forming Tajik adverbs is of many similarities and differences in certain cases. Designing on the premise of the above-adduced diagram we can emphasize that the majority of English equivalents of Tajik derivative adverbs formed by the prefix in question are derivative (56%) and composite (28%) ones in the corpus of the study.Hereby, we can canvass those English equivalents of Tajik derivative adverbs of formed by this prefix are not identical and the same-formed ones, and some of them are used and translated as simple, derivative compound and composite ones.
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Data about the author:
Ashrapov Bahodurjon Pulotovich – Candidate of Philological Sciences, Senior Lecturer of Linguistics and Comparative Typology Department, Khujand State University named after Academician Bobojon Gafurov (Khujand, Tajikistan).
Сведения об авторе:
Ашрапов Баходурджон Пулотович – кандидат филологических наук, старший преподаватель кафедры языкознания и сравнительной типологии Худжандского государственного университета имени академика Бободжана Гафурова (Худжанд, Таджикистан).