
Christensen C.S. The geneticist parts of a little finger... Denisovans, DNA and science in the making

The Denisova man is an extinct human-like member of the genus Homo. In March 2010 it was announced that the remains of a young individual who lived approx. 50,000 years ago had been found in the Denisova Cave in the Altai Mountains – an area that was inhabited by Neanderthals and modern humans around the same time. The presence of Denisova man has been also found as far south as Laos. Denisova man is a descendant of hominids migrants from Africa. So far, Dinisova DNA has been found in East Asians as well as indigenous people from Papua New Guinea and Australia. Therefore, it is believed that Denisova man lived in Siberia and East Asia. It is well worth pointing out that the knowledge on the Denisovan anatomy is still limited and the question of them being a separate species remains disputed, and that this means that given problem continues to be discussed within genetic relationships between prehistoric and present day humans. It is obvious that modern science still has more questions than answers when studying the Denisova man.

Никишов Ю.М. Когда стихи читают как прозу. Развенчание опуса А. Минкина «Немой Онегин»

«Немой Онегин» Александра Минкина, ранее публиковавшийся частями, ныне завершен и вышел полностью и в печатном, и в электронном виде. В этой связи стало виднее, что книга порочна методологически. Использован старый прием: стихи пересказываются прозой, в результате извлекается комический эффект. Критик ловко выхватывает нужные ему детали и пропускает те, которые опровергают его утверждения. Для А. Минкина «Евгений Онегин» только умозрительно – шедевр русской литературы. Фактически критик сочиняет пародию, не щадя ни героев, ни самого поэта.