УДК 81:821.222.8
Ashrapov B.P.
The article dwells on the issue beset with the study of morphological peculiarities and level of usage of the suffix -он in the Tajik literary language referring to the 19th century on the example of the historical writing “Zafar-Name” by Khusravi. It is noted that the relevant suffix is considered to be one of the frequently used in the writing. Proceeding from the adduced analysis concerned with the theme explored the author of the article asserts that possibilities of formation of plural nouns by means of the suffix -он in the language of the period under discussion shows that the scope and specificity of this morpheme using is characterized with wide scales. It is concluded that the suffix -он is used to plurify different kinds of nouns, such as animate and inanimate, personal and non-personal and borrowed words as well.
Keywords: level of usage, suffix, formation of plural nouns, analysis, linguistic element, animate and inanimate nouns, borrowed words.
Ашрапов Б.П.
В статье рассматривается вопрос изучения морфологических особенностей и уровня употребления суффикса -он в таджикском литературном языке XIX в. на примере исторического сочинения «Зафар-наме» Хусрави. Отмечается, что соответствующий суффикс считается одним из часто встречающихся в произведении. Исходя из проведенного анализа, связанного с исследуемой темой, автор статьи утверждает, что возможности образования существительных множественного числа при помощи суффикса –он обсуждаемого периода показывают, что сфера применения и специфика использования данной морфемы в языке исследуемого периода крайне широки. Делается вывод о том, что суффикс -он используется при образовании одушевленных и неодушевленных, личных и неличных существительных, а также в заимствованных словах.
Ключевые слова: уровень употребления, суффикс, образование множественного числа существительных, анализ, языковой элемент, одушевленные и неодушевленные существительные, заимствованные слова.
It is well-grounded that the consideration and exploration of various stages of the history of the Tajik literary language, namely that one of appertaining to the second half of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century is considered to be one of the actual issues of Tajik linguistic studies. The language of historico-literary traces belonging to the relevant periods was not reviewed and researched profoundly and comprehensively. Therefore, the study of linguistic peculiarities of the historical writings of this period, including lexico-morphological features of “Zafar-Name” by Khusravi is interesting from several points of view. In particular, the relevant historical trace was not canvassed and discussed either in terms of lexical peculiarities or under the angle of morphological and phonetic ones in the field of Tajik linguistic studies.
The subject of our study is to reveal morphological peculiarities and the level of usage of the plural suffix -он in the Tajik literary language referring to the second half of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century.
The aim of the corpus of our study is to dwell on the role and place of -on in terms of its function and meaning and to disclose both common and distinguished peculiarities of the suffix in question.
Scientific novelty: The article under consideration dwells on the analysis beset with morphological peculiarities and the level of usage of the plural suffix -он in the Tajik literary language referring to the 19th century (on the example of the historical writing entitled as “Zafar-Name” by Khusravi) presented in Tajik linguistic studies for the first time. It is worth stressing that such kind of the plural form of noun in the historical writing in question is not an identical in term of its usage and is of great importance in the exploration of this category of noun.
Book review: “Zafar-Name” is included among the prosaic historical writing and the relevant historical production is composed of fragments of mixed poetry and its author is unknown and was written in the 19th century. The content of the corpus of our study is covered in two parts; the first part provides the data dealing with the battles between Bukhara emirate and Kokand kingdom. The second part reflects the politico-social events of Central Asia.
Methodology: In order to make our study convincible a visual method of research was used; at the same time, comparative-historical methods, synchronic and diachronic analysis were resorted to as well.
Commonly, morphemes play a key role in the expression of the category of plural forms of nouns that in MTLL (Modern Tajik Literary language). “The morphological way of the formation of plural nouns in Tajik and Persian languages is not the product of a new stage in the development of these languages, but it has a long history in the term of its background” [9‚ p.42]. It is worth stressing that “the determination of various periods of the history of the language and its high points of development based on both scientifico-historical productions and belles-letters ones we designed on the premise of the actual issues in the sphere of Tajik linguistic studies” [1, p. 50-57]. As well as, the well-known scholar in linguistic studies B. Siyaev also asserted that “in the ancient Persian and Tajik languages there were three categories of formation of plural nouns: singular, plural and double” [11, p. 33]. Into the bargain, A. Mirboboyev canvassed this grammatical category of noun in the Avestian language and underscored that “the Avestian language had three numbers: singular, plural and even (double)” [7, p. 130].
Upon the whole the formation of the plural of noun was carried out in two ways in “Zafar-Name”: a) by virtue of the Tajik suffixes -ҳо‚ -он (-ён and -гон); b) by help of Arabic suffixes and broken type of plural noun [2]. “The majority of researchers spoke about the category of plural noun and confirmed that nouns are plurified by the suffixes -ҳо and -он in Tajik and Persian languages. In conformity with many linguists` opinion the suffixes -ҳо and -он are historically ancient and have maintained their position and status up to nowadays in the Tajik language [1, p. 50-57].
S.M. Sabzaev asserts that “in the enlighteners’ literary productions and in the language of classical literature appertaining to the second half of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries such kind of grammatical phenomenon was formed by the Tajik suffixes and by Arabic plural elements” [10, p. 71]. In the corpus of our study the above-mentioned grammatical events are completely common ones as well.
The main results and discussion
The majority of plural nouns in the historical writing under discussion are pulrified by dint of the suffix -он just as in MTLL. It is worth stressing that the relevant suffix possesses an ancient origin in comparison with other suffixes historically. This suffix is traced back to the ancient plural form -nām [13, p. 35]. In the course of our observations it became clear that the equivalents of the suffix -он (-ён‚ -гон) were also resorted to in certain cases by the authors of the gone epochs. There are also other phonetic variants (allomorphs) of this suffix (-вон) in classical Persian -vān, in Dari -wån, in modern Persian -vån, in Tajik -вон; words with similar sounds have different final inflexions in classical Persian –i, i; dari; modern Persian -û; Tajik -y, he, (ů). However, in the corpus of our study -вон is not ever encountered.
Adducing the result of the conducted analysis beset with our theme explored one can lay an emphasis upon the idea that animate nouns are often plurified by dint of the suffix -он in“Zafar-Name”. In order to determine the level of usage of this suffix O.J. Jalolov conducted a significant research, especially on the suffix-он which points out that until the 19th century animate nouns were plurified with the relevant suffix frequently [14, p.11]. This statement was supported by linguist S. Hojiev as well [13, p. 95].
It should be underscored that the combination of nouns with the suffix-онis more commonly used than other morphemes. In the corpus of our study, concrete nouns: animate, inanimate and abstract nouns plurified according to their structure and style of usage can be divided into the following subgroups:
1) Nouns denoting any professions and occupation: амирон – 3 times, волиён – once, амирзодагон – once, аморатпаноҳон – 9 times, ақидатшиорон – once, авбошон – once, бӯзахорон – once, гавурказанон – 3 times, дақиқапаймоён – once, дақиқасанҷон – once, донишпажуҳон – 4 times, иёлатдастгоҳон – once, мусодақатогоҳон – once, навкарон – once, ҳукмандозон – once, одамшавандагон – 3 times, ҳукуматогоҳон – twice, иёлатогоҳон – 6 times, соҳибэътиборон – once, сухансанҷон – twice, донишпазирон– once, дидбонон – once, ҷосусон – 3 times, подшоҳон – twice, роҳбонон – once, сарбозон – 11 times, сарварон– once, сардорон – 40 times, саркардагон – 5 times, саркорон – twice, сарҳаддорон – 8 times, сарҳаднишинон– once, сарҳангон– 15 times, сарон – 11 times, сипаҳсолорон – 21 times, солорон – 7 times, соҳибдавлатон– once, тавочиён – 5 times, талабгорон – twice, тӯпчиён – once, удайчиён– twice, фармонравоён – once, фаррошон – 4 times, хабаргирон– once, хидматгорон – once, хидматозмоён – once, хоҷагон – 6 times, шаҳзодагон– 3 times, шоҳимардон – once, номварон – twice, нуктасанҷон – 4 times, нукташиносон – twice, ҳавохоҳон – 23 times, чаҳорподорон – once, шуҷоатогоҳон– twice, меҳтарон – once, мерганон – 3 times, лашкариён– twice, лашкарон– once, кеҳтарон – once, баҳодурон– 21 times: ...то пешхонаи лашкариён расониданд. Ҷанг тарозу шуд ва нирони қитоли бе эҳмол иштиол ёфт [12, p. 155]; Муборизони фирӯзиасос музаффар ва мансур бо ғаноими номаҳсур каси бисёре аз мерганони туфангандозро аз ҷамоати муфсид ба даст оварда... [12, p. 59].
2) Nouns denoting age and gender: писарон [12, p. 79, 209, 275], калонон – 14 times, калонтарон – once, калоншавандагон [12, p. 23, 23, 266], бузургворон [12, p .54, 187], бузургон – 10 times: Ва дар он макони фарҳатнишон маҷмуъи калонтарон ва сардорони элу улуси табақоти ӯзбакияро аз умаро ва аркони давлат ба анвои навозишу тарбият сарфароз гардонида, пояи қадру манзалати эшонро барафрохт [12, p. 164].
3) Nouns denoting people`s relationship and characteristics and expressing human-being`s state and situation: бадбахтон [12, p. 289], бадтинатон [12, p. 274], бандагон [12, p. 70, 71, 78, 150, 184], бандиён [12, p. 145, 162, 221], бедавлатон [12, p. 126], бечорагон [12. p. 233, 246, 281], гарданкашон [12, p. 7, 52, 66, 298], ғуломон [12, p. 78, 178, 197, 280, 306], гумоштагон [12, p. 11, 38, 47, 88, 166], давлатдастгоҳон [12, p. 250], давлатхоҳон – 37 times, дарвешон [12, p. 72], диловарон [12, p. 4, 74, 94, 159], дӯстон [12, p. 5], душманон [12, p. 159, 195, 214, 253, 309], ёрон [12, p. 5], кинаварон [12, p. 66], кӯтаҳандешон [12, p. 274], ҷонсупорон [12, p. 17, 34, 287], наздикон – 10 times, намакхӯрон [12, p. 21, 35, 66, 214], некӯатворон [12, p. 172], нобакорон [12, p. 90], номбурдагон [12, p. 32, 62, 138, 286], ҳазиматиён [12, p. 219, 237], ҳамгинон [12, p. 177, 306], ҳамсӯҳбатон [12, p. 9], пойафтодагон [12, p. 4], саркашон [12, p. 6, 67], хайрхоҳон [12, p. 300], хирадмандон [12, p. 67, 249, 276], хурдабинон [12, p. 20, 80, 121, 182], шӯрбахтон [12, p. 290], инодпешагон [12, p. 65, 67], зафармандон [12, p. 271], зердастон [12, p. 4, 308]: Бар замоири ҳикматмаосири хирадмандон пӯшида намонад, ки чунончӣ ки дар болои Ҳазорасп ба самъи мубораки ҷаноби олӣ расида буд [12, p. 249]; Он бадбахтони бадтинат бо вуҷуди ҳаминқадар меҳнату машаққат мурдаи худҳоро ба назари аён мушоҳида намуда, баромада диданро қабул намекарданд [12, p. 289].
4) Animate nouns, such as animals: уштурон – 3 times, наҳангон – once, асбон – twice, аспон – once: …аз аспони роҳвор ва аз уштурони қатор маа зару зевари бисёр карам фармуда, аз он ҷо ба ҷониби Урметан иҷозати инсироф арзонӣ дошт [12, p. 188]; Лашкари мансур воқиф гардида, савлати лашкари зафарливоро, ки наҳангони дарёи ҳайҷоанд, борҳо мешуниданд ва ба муояна бидиданд [12, p. 158].
The course of the research shows that in the corpus of our study historical such kinds of nouns were used by dint of the relevant suffix. However, the author of the historical writing under consideration plurified the word related to наҳанг/whaleonly once; the former in question is resorted to figuratively in term of its meanings.
5) Nouns denoting members of family and relatives: писарон – 3 times, фарзандон – twice: ... аз сипоҳи фуқаро монда буд, ҳамаро маъа зану фарзандонаш ба ҷон амон бахшида озод карданд [12, p. 145]; Хоҷагони балхӣ, ки писарони Сайидпорсохоҷа Нақиби Балхӣ мебошанд… [12, p. 275].
6) Nouns denoting parts of human-being body: мижгон [12, p. 70], чашмон [12, p. 119]: Хоби роҳат, ки муҷиби шифову сиҳҳат ва фароғати банӣ навъи инсонаст, чун оҳуи ваҳшӣ аз панҷаи мижгону дидаи бедори хоқони номдор рамида, дарди ҷонкоҳ ба хосираи тиҳигоҳи ӯ нишаст [12, p. 70]; …гарди суми саманди ҳумоюнро сурмавор ба чашмони худҳо тӯтиё менамуданд [12, p. 119].
7) Abstract nouns: суханон [12, p. 123, 142, 208, 253, 274, 286, 290, 298]: …баъд аз як сол ба суханони ғаразгӯён ҳаросе аз ҷониби амири соҳибқирон ба дили он торӣ гардида, ба Шералихони Хӯқандӣ хату хабар карда маа кӯчу куран бад-он вало бадяар рафт [12, p. 290].
It is worth mentioning that the author of the given historical production used the abstract noun сухан/speechonly in eight cases in the plural form. While adducing the result of the analysis beset with such kinds of plural form of nouns we did not encounter with other abstract ones in the relevant forms absolutely.
7) Nouns denoting unanimated ones: дарахтон/trees [12, p. 218]: Дар ин ҳин аз ду ҷонибаи мирон аз даруни дарахтон ва аз пастии роҳҳо ҷамоати касире аз душман баромада, ба якбора лаҷомрез асп монда расида ба ҷамоати мирон дарафтода ҷангзарбӣ намуданд [12, p. 218].
It is well-known that the suffix -ҳо patriciates in plurifyung a large considerable numbers of unanimated plural nouns in MTLL, but in the corpus of our study the suffix -он is used as a function of the above-mentioned suffix only once.
8) Nouns denoting any nation or tribe: хӯқандиён [12, p. 193, 195, 195, 203, 205, 206, 214, 219], урганҷиён [12, p. 238], қазоқон [12, p. 160], қӯрғониён [12, p. 141, 147, 147, 149], тӯраи тӯрониён [12, p. 10, 12, 15, 21, 310, 310]: Билахир хӯқандиёнро аз рӯйдоди ин ҳодисаи ҳоила ба дилҳошон хавфу ҳарос ғолиб гардид [12, p. 195]; Ва қӯрғониёнбоз аз бими ҷон ба сангу кулӯх он рахнаро масдуд менамуданд [12, p. 141]; …ба фармудаи тӯраи тӯрониён, шаҳзодаи хусравнишон муфсидони асиршударо дар ҳар кӯчаву паскӯча ва дар растаҳои бозор ба қатл овард [12, p. 12].
One of the distinctive peculiarities of plurifying nouns by dint of the suffix -он lies in the fact that the author of “Zafar-Name” resorted to this phrase тӯраи тӯрониён in six cases as a set of ones in the last sentence.
9) Collective nouns: мардумон/people [12, p. 32, 97, 144, 148, 162, 224, 270, 273, 304], одамон [12, p. 204, 299]: Мардумоне, ки буданд, дар лаби ҳавзе, ки андаруни ҳисор аст, гирд омада, ҳарорати оташро бо об тадорук меҷустанд [12, p. 144]; ... дар сангарҳои мураттаб намудааш одамони короиро монда, шабу рӯз «хотир бош, воқиф бош» гуфта кӯсу гавурка ва синҷу дамомаро баландовоза менамуд [12, p. 204].
It is well-grounded that such kinds of nouns are never used in plural forms in English, however the relevant grammatical phenomenon is characteristic in MTLL.
10) Some personal pronouns: шумоён [12, p. 61, 142, 285, 285, 309], моён [12, p. 61, 255, 284]: Агар шумоён ба хидмати ҷаноби олӣ арзи бандагӣ намуда, маъқул намоед... [12, p. 225]; Умед аст, ки подшоҳӣ намуда аз ҷаримаи моён, ки беихтиёрист, даргузаранд [12, p. 61].
We can confidently assert that as a rule the Tajik personal pronouns of шумо/you, мо/we plural forms do not come as a form of шумоён, моён in MTLL, but in certain creations and historical productions plurifying the above-stressed linguistic units are resorted to plural forms, including in the corpus of our study.
11) Some derivative nouns and adjectives denoting any place and locations: андаруниён [12, p. 148], беруниён [12, p. 146, 148], даруниён [12, p. 61. 260], заминиён [12, p. 40], оламиён [12, p. 19, 309, 310], осмониён [12, p. 40], ҷаҳониён [12, p. 310]: Даруниёнро дуди ҳасрат дар димоғ печида, оташи бало бар сари онҳо аз ҷониби само меборид [12, p. 61]; ...садои об ҳазор маънии обдор ба гӯши ҳуши сомеъони дарёдил расонида ва осмониёнро бо заминиён анзори раҳмати тоза ва осори тарбияти беандоза шомил гардида буд... [12, p. 40]; Ҳар замон беруниён овози кӯсу гавуркаи афсонаи ҳодисоти қалъаи Ёмро ба гӯшу ҳуши андаруниён расонида, насоиҳи мушфиқона менамуданд [12, p. 148].
12) Some classifiers and numeratives dealing with calculation of person quantity: нафарон [12, p. 208], касон [12, p. 281]: Фуқарои он вило ба ин маънӣ қабулдор ношуда, Муҳаммадалихонро маъа чанд нафарон ба суханони аблаҳфиреб саргардагон карда, муҳофизат намуда, нигоҳ дошта буданд... [12, p. 208]; Касоне, ки худро аз ин дорулмеҳани фасодомода берун кашиданд, ба рӯшноии олами доруссалом расида, ҷон ба саломат бурданд... [12, p. 281]: дигарон [12, p. 145, 196, 233] Ва дигароне, ки дар кӯчаи боғҳо худҳоро зада буданд, ба чандин ҷонталошӣ гурехта, дар андаруни шаҳри Хуҷанд даромада мехостанд, ки дарвозаҳои шаҳрро кашида, муҳофизат намоянд [12, p. 196].
In reference to it, the indefinite pronoun of дигар/other, another is plurified by dint of the relevant suffix and participates as a synonym of numarative кас/body in the corpus of our study and this grammatical event is considered to be one of the distinguishing peculiarities of the theme explored.
13) While conducting analysis it became clear that a number of borrowed words plurified by dint of the relevant suffix, such as: Mongolian words:элчиён – 26 times, ясовулон – 3 times, қаровулон – 14 times; Turkish words: оқсақолон –once,ҷарчиён – once, илғарон – once, битикчиён – once: Ба фармони воҷибулизъон ҷамоати ясовулони рикоби ҳумоюни олӣ пештар рафта… [12, p. 238]; Дар ҳамин аснои равуои элчиёни миёнрав ва қосидон аз ҷониби Бухорои шариф пай дар пай хабар расониданд… [12, p. 247].
It is common knowledge that the tendency of combination of borrowed words, namely Turkish and Mongolian ones, possesses a long history in the Tajik language. In conformity with the Russian scholar in Oriental studies L.S. Peisikov, who confirmed that the entry of the first Turkish borrowed words into the Dari-Persian language is traced back to the pre-Islamic Epoch [8, p. 46]. It is obvious that the majority of the Turkic and Mongolian words were included into the lexical word stock of the Tajik language appertaining to the 15th century. Later on, their entry into the living language of the people happened more often [q.v.: 4; 5].
The reason for the mixing tendency of the enrichment of these languages is explained by ustod N. Masumi as follows: “The earlier and later Uzbek terms became more formal and common; some of Uzbek words and phrases contained in the word stock of MTLL became commonplace and were used as synonyms instead of original Tajik words” [6, p. 10]. He adds that over the centuries the combination of Tajik language with those ones of the Turkic-speaking peoples of Central Asia did not reduce the quality of the Tajik language, but, on the contrary, they provided material for its further development and evaluation [q.v.: 6; 3].
The below-adduced examples testify that the author of “Zafar-Name” also summarized the Arabic borrowed words by dint of the suffix -он and their level of usage being much wider than Turkish and Mongolian ones: азизон – 5 times, асирон – 7 times, волиён – once, қосидон – 8 times, ҷосусон – 3 times, мазлумон – twice, мақтулон – twice, мирон – 65 times, мубашширон – 3 times, муборизон – 3 times, мукаррабон – 7 times, мулозимон – 4 times, муҷовирон – twice, муҷоҳидон – once, муҷримон – once, муншиён – twice, муҳташамон – once, муонидон – twice, муса(у) лмонон – 3 times, мусофирон – twice, мустаҳаққон – once, мутаваттинон – 3 times, муфсидон – 16 times, муфтиён – omce, мухолифон – 5 times, муътамадон – twice, ҳаддодон – once, ҳокимон – 10 times, ҳоҷибон – once, ҳосидон – once, рафиқон – once, сокинон – 6 times, соқиён – once, сомеон – 3 times, соҳибон – twice, тобеон – 3 times, ходимон – twice, хосон – 3 times: Амири комкори олитабори завиюлиқтидор то ба се рӯз бо ҷамъе аз хосону муқаррабони худ рокиби абраши хулусният гардида… [12, p. 53]; Ва гоҳо аз рӯи камфитратӣ ба ҳосидонидавлатхона мувофиқат менамуд [12, p. 307].
In this regard, while considering and disscussing the theme exlpred, we witnessed that the author of “Zafar-Name” used the Arabic word фуқаро/residents in re-plural form in five cases. It should be said that in the Tajik literary language referring to 19th-20th centuries, this phenomenon occurs only by virtue of -он, which is considered to be one of the distinctive characteristics of the language of this period.
Adducing the results of the analysis beset with morphological peculiarities and the level of usage of the suffix -он/on in the Tajik literary language referring to the 19th century on the example of the historical writing entitled as “Zafar-Name” we can come to the conclusion that the suffix -он is considered to be one of the mid-productive linguistic elements. In addition, the author of the given historical production used the abstract noun сухан/speech only in eight cases in the plural form. While adducing the result of the analysis beset with such kinds of plural form of nouns we did not encounter with other abstract ones in the relevant forms absolutely.
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Data about the author:
Ashrapov Bahodurjon Pulotovich – Candidate of Philological Sciences, Senior Lecturer of Linguistics and Comparative Typology Department, Khujand State University named after Academician Bobojon Gafurov (Khujand, Tajikistan).
Сведения об авторе:
Ашрапов Баходурджон Пулотович – кандидат филологических наук, старший преподаватель кафедры языкознания и сравнительной типологии Худжандского государственного университета имени академика Бободжана Гафурова (Худжанд, Таджикистан).
E-mail: bahodur.ashrapov@mail.ru [4].