Publishing Date: 2024-07-25
The study of life and activity of Middle Ages historical figures, who played a significant role in the historical destinies of Central Asia peoples, seems extremely important for the history of world Oriental studies. The pleiad of outstanding historical figures includes rulers from the Mamunid dynasty who ruled Khorezm from 995 to 1017. The Arab-Persian historical and geographical writings represent one large set of data basing to which science builds a historical picture of the Mamunid era. The Arab-Persian geographical literature has preserved a lot of information collected from merchants, travellers, scientists and other personalities about the history and ethnography of Khorezm in the Mamunid era. The information of Arab and Persian authors about the Mamunids is the most important historical source. The main set of sources involved in the research dates back to the 9th – early 13th centuries. During the study later sources containing valuable information on the history of the Mamunids were also used. The Mamunid era was a period of economic prosperity and cultural growth in Central Asia. The article reflects the history of the founding of the dynasty and the personalities who played a key role in the founding and rule of the state based on data from medieval sources.
The paper studies the history of formation and development of the National Medical and Surgical Center named after N.I. Pirogov. The authors tell about the charitable activities of Prince Alexander Vladimirovich Chegodaev, his establishment of hospital in Gagarin alley in Moscow and its transformation after the 1917 revolution into a Central Medical and Diagnostic Institution, whose patients were mainly scientists and cultural figures. Later the medical institution was expanded and consistently named the Central Hospital of the People’s Commissariat for Health of the USSR, the Ministry of Health of the USSR, the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR. Now it is the National Medical and Surgical Center named after N.I. Pirogov of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. The paper also describes the activities of outstanding doctors who at various times headed this medical institution: V.N. Rozanov, F.A. Rein, V.V. Kramer, N.I. Ermolov, Y.L. Shevchenko.
Sedakova E.N. Book review: 1944: The crushing blows of the Red Army by A.M. Sokolov [3]
The review analyses A.M. Sokolov’s monograph “1944: The crushing blows of the Red Army” dedicated to the description of the offensive operations of 1944 which received the name of “Ten Stalin’s blows” in Soviet historiography. The proposed review examines the structure of the book, the sources used by the author when writing the monograph, the logic of presenting the material, and proposes advantages and disadvantages of the work. In conclusion, the author of the review finds that the information presented in the book can be used in teaching military history in educational organizations as well as for the patriotic education of the younger generation.
The article points out the aspects of the relationship between the Soviet and Polish peoples in the late 1980s using the example of close ties between the Smolensk region and the Częstochowa Voivodeship of the Polish People’s Republic. The author presents examples of friendly relations in industry, construction, culture and tourism, the exchange of sports and pioneer delegations and the activities of the Soviet-Polish Friendship Society. The author uses archival sources which are being introduced into scientific circulation for the first time.
Texas, called the lone star state, is one of the 50 U.S. states. Independence movements have come back into vogue on a global scale. In Europe there are such movements in Catalonia, Flanders, Scotland, Tyrol and in Quebec in Canada. In this paper Texas independence thoughts will be analysed as well as compared to the American history. For the past 20 to 30 years the independence movement in Austin has been active both on the streets and in the Texas Parliament. More than 160 years ago the events that led to the American Civil War (1861-1865) took place in American history. This war began with the secession from the Union by eleven southern states, including Texas. But is it even possible to opt out of the American Union in 2024? And what would an independent Texas look like?
Gerashchenko I.G. Artificial intelligence in education: problems of application [6]
The article considers a number of problems and contradictions related to the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in education. The author shows the role of digital technologies (machine learning, big data, cloud computing, Internet of Things) in the transformation of the educational process. The idea of AI possible creativity, which activity is no longer reduced to algorithms alone, is substantiated. There is a convergence of human and artificial intelligence in the context of education and self-learning when the activities of students and teachers are increasingly standardised, and AI acquires creative features.
The creation of Constitutional Court by Indonesian Constitution of 1945 corrected state policy at the New Order era. Constitutional Court is authorized to review legislation when it in contrary to the Constitution, in principle of fairness, or general principle of truth. This paper aims to determine role and contribution of the Constitutional Court in maintaining good governance in Indonesia. This is normative legal research in relation to rule of law contained in legislation. Summing up the analysis, the authors conclude that good governance must be implemented on the basis of rule of law, and a new legal act must go through material tests by Constitutional Court. It can be concluded that Constitutional Court has an important role in maintaining good governance.
The paper studies the problems and prospects of public environmental inspectors institute development in modern Russia. The author describes in detail the creation of this institution; the stages of its origin and formation are consistently considered. The analysis of the legal framework that served as the basis for the modern legal regulation of public environmental inspectors institute is carried out. Summing up the research, the author concludes that the status rising of public inspectors in connection with the amendments to Federal Law No 7-FZ “On Environmental Protection” and the formation of an appropriate regulatory framework in 2023-2024 is very important for the public environmental control institute development. At the same time, it is obvious that the mechanisms for regulating the activities of public inspectors need further improvement, in the account of the emerging law enforcement practice and the challenges faced by the state and society in solving environmental problems, including an increasing number of infractions in the field of environmental protection and natural resource use.
Tran T.H. The Buddhist outlook on life and political life in Hanoi nowadays [9]
Based on the Buddhist outlook on life, the author analyses the relationship between religion and politics and clarifies the Buddhism influence on the political life of Hanoi in two periods: the Ly-Tran dynasties and the present. The shared point of these two periods was that Buddhism flourished, not only attracting the faith and veneration of many people but also being treated by the State as a national religion. However, Buddhism was not recognized in official documents.
The article examines the patterns of creation and functioning of the Old Believers main centres – chapels and prayer rooms. It was revealed that the appearance and arrangement of Old Believer churches changed under the influence of the repressive policy of the Russian state in the religious field. For the 18th century chapels often in the “joint use” of Old Believers and representatives of the dominant Church were more typical. The persecutions, which began in the 19th century, led to a noticeable transformation of Old Believer churches and the emergence of prayer houses. Their appearance contributed to a greater extent to the secretive conduct of divine services and the secret implementation of church requirements in the difficult situation that had arisen. The persecution of Old Believers and the identification and liquidation of their prayer rooms were carried out through the coordinated efforts of the police and local clergy.
Gulamova Z.Y. Phraseologization of the concept “time” in the Azerbaijani language [11]
The article analyses the concept “time” in phraseological units of the Azerbaijani language. The analysis is based on cognitive models as well as on the classification of temporal phraseological units – semantic groups with antonymic oppositions. The article considers six groups of phraseological units reflecting the following concepts: 1) “long ago – recently”; 2) “past – future”; 3) “timeliness – untimeliness”; 4) “long – short / soon / little time”; 5) “fast – slow”; 6) “constantly, often – rarely, sometimes”. Based on the given examples the author concludes that the category of time is an important indicator of the pace of life and the rhythm of the Azerbaijani nation activity, and the types and forms of people’s communication depend on the value of time in culture. Thus the structural organization of the phrase-semantic field is different as it does not have an absolute centre expressed by a single phraseological unit.
The article dwells on the issue concerned with the comparative analysis of the word-building and morphological features of the suffix -ча and its English equivalents on the example of “A brief word-building dictionary of Tajik literary language” (1983) and “Tajik-English dictionary” (2005). The dictionaries under study are considered to be one of the priceless and fundamental sources contained a numerous literary facts and evidences belonging to modern Tajik literary language. In the course of the research the author of the article makes an endeavour to carry out the English equivalents of Tajik derivative words formed by virtue of the suffix -ча and composed by the word “бача”/“baby” those ones are not identical and the majority of them are used and translated into English as simple, derivative, compound, composite ones and phrases. It is concluded that the relevant word-building element is considered to be one of productive ones contributed into animals’ cub derivation.
Khroul V. Attitudes towards God in the texts of Internet communication in Russia [13]
The paper presents the results of the study of attitudes towards God in the Russian mass consciousness, obtained using the method of analysing the texts of Internet communication. As a result of the study of spontaneous texts of mass self-expression, the author came to the conclusion that the ideas about God in the consciousness of Russians are formed mainly on the basis of their own experience, rather than on the basis of tradition, authority or historical experience. The texts testify that the relationship with God remains a subject of predominantly personal and group (family), but not public sphere.
Nikishov Y.M. Onegin in Tatyana’s life. Part I [14]
The 200th anniversary of the first chapter of “Eugene Onegin” publication is approaching (February 2025). 200 years of the novel’s existence in its entirety is not so far away. There are countless interpretations of the main characters accumulated during this time. There are also separate assessments of them from the poet himself. Meanwhile, the author’s holistic view of the characters is still in shadows. Some important details remain unnoticed. To understand the poet’s intention is a worthy goal for the researcher. Tatyana fell in love with Onegin from their first meeting, but in the beginning her love is based on intuition. Onegin remains a mystery for her – is he a “guardian angel, or an insidious tempter”?
Bogatyrev A.V. “Forms” of folly in “Dead Man’s Folly” by Agatha Christie [15]
The novel “Dead Man’s Folly” by Agatha Christie takes us far beyond the crime genre to philosophical questions. Its main character is stupidity which takes on different guises. It can be seen, heard, performed, all people are susceptible to it, regardless of social status, gender or occupation. Mrs. Folliat, who lives in the locality of Nassecombe, becomes a kind of personification of stupidity and her example shows the vanity and emptiness of the whole world. From the height of her years, Christie returns to the “follies” of her youth, analyses the causes and consequences of the collapse of family life which she herself experienced. There is clearly a motive for replacing the “real” wife with an “imaginary” one (mistress) in the novel. Christie concludes that both parties are at fault in a divorce, both the husband and the wife. However, as we were able to establish, the writer criticises female representatives most of all, which is similar to internal misogyny. She is also no stranger to self-criticism, which sometimes reaches the point of self-deprecation. Demonstrating a sceptical attitude towards science and education the novelist doubts that folly can somehow be overcome because this property is inherent in human nature.
Veliyev D.C. Digital consciousness and identity [16]
In the era of digital transformation the world is experiencing unprecedented changes due to the rapid development of fields such as algorithms and big data, artificial intelligence, international telecommunications, and cyberizations. Understanding the impact of digital technologies on our thinking and self-identification is the key to creating more ethical and sustainable technological solutions, as well as adapting social and cultural institutions to the evolving world. Digital technologies play a significant role in shaping contemporary notions of self and others, creating new forms of identity and opportunities for self-expression. Ethical frameworks are needed to regulate the development and use of technologies that impact consciousness and identity, to protect the rights and well-being of individuals. These findings could not only contribute to academic understanding of the relationship between digital consciousness and identity but also offer practical recommendations for technology developers, policymakers, and society to adapt to the rapidly changing digital landscape.